Friday, 18 January 2008

Bye bye GCHQ v1.0

Part of the reason the Xmas period last year was so busy (and not to say stressful) was due to having to move studio. Never a particularly fun experience at the best of times, when it also goes hand-in-hand with moving house it's a bit of a bugger.

We have a lot of great memories from GCHQ (v1.0) , some fantastic sessions, literally thousands of samples produced, not to mention the odd released tune or two.

Of course change comes to us all and stripping out the old gear allowed for a good long look at how we work and some major re-arranging in our new temporary home.

A couple of new rack units, patchbays, lots of cables and a frankly huge 80's A-frame stand for the synths, later............

Welcome to GCHQ v1.1
It's only a temp home for us poor sampling souls until the all new GCHQ v2 is built (hopefully this year, but who knows).
Still, we've settled in and have been knuckling down to some hard(ish) graft and have already become quite comfortable.
we've even got a window - ahh natural light at last....