Tuesday, 19 August 2008

Chilly Summer Hols

Can it really be a month since we last posted - we do try to keep things up to date, honest.

Well, we're nearing the end few weeks of the summer (already!) and it's still raining! Still work carries on here at GCHQ with the usual monthly commissions plus a new download pack of chilled out beats for Sample magic. We put in a huge chunk of the beats to their successful Sunset Sessions chillout sample cd and these beats are more of the same style loops. You can find the pack here.

In other news, thanks to a visit to the DR expo in London's Earls Court by Mr Hoodee and daughter, we have a new addition to GCHQ.
You wouldn't have thought a 4ft inflatable Dalek was essential studio furniture would you?
Anyway, we've a couple more projects to finish off before heading out of the country next week for a few days R&R, and who knows maybe a bit of sun as well.....
GCHQ out