Another busy spell here at
GCHQ as we've sample commissions flying all over the shop at the mo and limited time to get it all done... Hey, but what's new.

Just finished up the dark
dubstep set for
FM, quite enjoy that dark slower style, nice excuse to get out the tape delays and spring
reverbs - and to put pics of 'em on our blog!
The dusty bit of pipe to the left here is a 'Great British Spring
Reverb', which I know we've mentioned before in our blog but after crawling around behind our rack and
mackie mixer, we finally got around a problem we were having
with our aux send/returns, so the bloody thing is finally up and running as it was meant to be - and great it sounds too!
We also finished off the
hiphop samples for
CM by completely changing our mind and doing some auto-tune vocals after all. Many thanks to Nat
Edgoose for stepping in and doing a session of
ohhs and
ahhs for us to treat. Think we might be hearing a bit more from Nat in Groove Criminals sample sessions from now on.

On the gear front, we've been quite happy to cruise along with our current set up but when we heard that all production has finished on the
Korg Microkorg (to make way for the V2 which we thing is bloody
ugly), we
managed to get hold of one of the ltd edition reverse key models.
We reviewed one of these when it first came out (for some mag or other) and really liked it, although the keys do feel like they are from the cheapest
casio kids keyboard you can buy. Not quite sure why we never decided to get hold of one until now, but
that's just us and timing.
As one sample
commission gets sent out another replaces it so we're dug into some chip/computer game/8 bit style samples for CM - a grand excuse to get the
gameboys and sequencing carts out - more on that in a later blog.
Only other real news is it's almost time for the
Frankfurt Musikmesse again, we're all ready in plenty of time for once, with flights booked and show pass sorted. We'll be staying at our brother-in-laws again and will attempt to blog anything interesting either whilst we are there or when we get back.
That's about it, catch you later.