Monday, 30 July 2007

New Toys!

Got hold of a couple of new bits of gear for GCHQ and thought we'd share some thoughts about 'em.

First up this the MoogerFooger ring modulator, we've been after a moogerfooger for a while, this one came up secondhand at a reasonable cost (for once!) so we jumped at it. The black moog expression pedal was off Ebay and really adds a great live tweaking element.

As well as the mad ring mod stuff this also does the best, creamy sounding tremello we've heard - good news for us, bad news for all the other trem pedals that have served us so well over the years.

Last but no means least is a fuzz pedal by Devi Ever USA. Quite brutal sounding, osculating fuzz that sounds as good on guitar as it does on synths, especially our Roland SH101. Devi's a really nice bloke too who makes small batches of hand built pedals and sells them via his Ebay shop .

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